Date: 10/03/14 - English follows Portuguese
Este Jovem chegou a Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor De Republica Dominicana (ELE) foi bem recebido pelas obreiras da igreja. No fim do Culto ele teve vergonha de vir a frente entao fiz sinal pra ele vir e ele veio e me disse assim: Pastor me ajude, ore por mim, eu sou gay e quero sair dessa vida de mentira, sofrimento, tristeza e desgraça.
Ele confessou e recebeu o Senhor Jesus o Libertador, oramos por ele, e Jesus Cristo o Libertou. Compartilhe e mostre que Jesus sara, liberta e salva
This Young man reached God is Love Pentecostal Church Of Dominican Republic (HE) was well received by the workers of the church. At the end of service he was ashamed to come forward then I called him to come and he came and told me this: Pastor help me, pray for me, I'm gay and I want get out of this life of lying, suffering, sorrow and disgrace.
He confessed and received the Lord Jesus the Deliverer, we prayed for him, and Jesus Christ freed him. Share and show that Jesus heals, liberates and saves
Chega de viver mentira

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